
We hope our apps are so easy to use you never have to reference this page. On the occasion you do need help we are here to help. Start by checking out the tips below. If you still have questions or comments please reach out.



Tips coming soon

Bee Ready

Troubleshooting Sounds & notifications

Bee Ready currently uses the system’s volume when playing alarm sounds. If sounds are not playing, please try the following:



Troubleshooting Sounds & notifications

Nudge currently uses the system’s volume when playing alarm sounds. If sounds are not playing, please try the following:


Next Up

Tips & tricks

  • “I don’t like ads”. Either do we but we have to make a little something for our efforts. If we get enough feedback we’ll consider a paid version.
  • “Why is there no porcupine avatar?” We hadn’t thought of that oddly specific request. Thanks for the feedback, weirdo.
  • “Why is the tone of this app a little spicier?” Well, we know we arn’t gonna make any money off this app so why not have a little fun.

Contact us

We love feedback! We want to make amazing apps and hearing from you is the best way to do that. 

6 + 11 =